Job Offer: Community Building Manager

January 21st, 2022

The CCMP has created a new community centre for the neighbourhood, non-profits, and activist groups! (Office spaces are still available to rent! Come join, le Mouvement d’éducation populaire et d’action communautaire du Québec, and QPIRG McGill.)

We are looking to hire someone to manage this building project! The ideal candidate understands the importance of community organizing and a non-hierarchical and collective work environment, and can oversee the day to day tasks involved in the building upkeep.

So far, the building has hosted potlucks, a community assembly, and our free hot chocolate stand has been set up many times in our front yard; as well as gardening workshops in the backyard and rooftop terrace.

Conditions: The position is funded by Canada Summer Jobs a total of 180 hours at 20$/h, with a flexible work schedule (approximately 8-10/h/week for 5 months), and flexible holidays. Pending confirmation of 2022 Canada Summer Jobs funding, the position will likely be extended for another 180 hours/approximately 5 months — resulting in the position lasting for a total of ten months February till December 2022.

The expanded description of the post, in English and in French, is available below. The deadline for applications has been extended to Friday February 4th at 5pm (however, please contact us if you are interested but this short deadline will be a challenge for you). Please send your CV and a cover letter to Feel free to contact us with your questions!