United Nations World Environment Day Sunday, June 5, 2022

May 24th, 2022

United Nations World Environment Day Sunday, June 5, 2022 and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Frederick Law Omstead *

Organised by the Milton-Parc Citizens Committee, and supported by the Sierra Club (Québec), the comité  environnement Milton-Parc, Communauté Milton-Parc,  the McGill Soudent Council, les Amis de la Montage, and others…

12 noon set-up

Picnic, with food and drink provided

Book Table

Literature table for other organisations

13h Programme to 20h

Buffalo Hat Singers opening ceremony (aboriginal group)

The programme will include: speakers on environmental issues, and opposition to the war in the Ukraine… Dr.Eric Darier (Greenpeace International); Dr.Isabelle-Ann Bisson (Sierra Club); Campbell Stuart (environmental lawyer); Jean-Francois Boisvert and Mathew Chapman (Climate Change Coalition)…

Speaker on F L Omstead from Les Amis de la Montagne

Bagg Street Klezmer Band and Norman Nawrocki

Ukraine Youth Folk dancing and singing… ?


Films showing…

This programme outline is very preliminary and in the process of being developed further… proposes additions are welcome.

Contact telephone: 514 842-7432

*Frederick Law Omstead, was a radical landscape architect who designed Mont Royal Park, Montreal and Central Park in New York City, etc. He designed such public spaces to be accessible to every citizen.