September 25th, 2021
The Royal Vic for the Public Coalition is organizing a march to mobilize the community and make our voices heard. We need as many people as possible to come to the march so bring everyone you can! Let us know if you can help us mobilize.
DATE: Sunday, September 26th, 2pm
LOCATION: 757 Ave des Pins West (in front of the Royal Vic site). We will march to the OCPM offices on rue Metcalfe.
Since sitting largely empty for six years, the provincial government is now deciding the future of the former Royal Victoria Hospital site. The Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI) has finished its redevelopment plan for the site. The government could privatize the site for “economic viability,” and the plan doesn’t exclude this possibility.
McGill University wants half of the pavilions for a new campus project. We are not opposed to this but we fear that, if they are given ownership, McGill could one day sell off the site for condos, like universities have done before.
Our coalition and 66 other signatory organizations believe that the Royal Vic must always be safeguarded from any privatization and kept in the public domain so that it can serve the interests of the community with healthcare, social housing, community services, educational spaces and social economy businesses. We will not let the Royal Vic fall victim to the sad fate of other former hospital sites in Montreal and other heritage sites around the mountain, like the Children’s Hospital, the Chest Hospital, the Shriners Hospital, and the former Marianopolis College, all of which were sold off on the private market!
Contact info: – (514) 561-4656