March 12th, 2021
March 10, 2021
COVID-19 vaccination update
Jennifer Maccarone, MNA for Westmount–Saint-Louis
Appointment Spaces Available *new*
A limited number of spaces are still available this week at our various sites, and seniors are encouraged to sign up before the Government of Quebec opens up other priority groups.
The Bill-Durnan Arena mass vaccination site is opening today, March 10. Another mass vaccination site at the MIL campus of Université de Montréal will be opening later this month.
Call for Volunteers *new*
Our CIUSSS is looking for volunteers 65 and under to work at our three mass vaccination sites. If you or someone you know is interested, please send an email to or call 514-340-8222, extension 25983.
Second Dose *new*
The government has announced that the delay in administrating the second dose of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be extended to four months. The CIUSSS will contact all those who have already been scheduled for the second dose to reschedule. At the time of your vaccination, an appointment date will be confirmed for your second dose.
Vaccination in pharmacies
It has been announced that 350 pharmacies located on the island of Montreal will be able to vaccinate Quebecers against COVID-19 as of March 15, 2021. This announcement will allow our seniors to be vaccinated more quickly and to have access to sites located closer to their homes.
We ask the population not to contact pharmacies before this date. We will send you a new communication once we have more details on how to book an appointment for the vaccination in a pharmacy.
Booking an Appointment by Phone
The number to call for your appointment is 514-644-4545. The lines are open 7 days a week, between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Booking an Appointment Online
The website will direct you to the Clic Santé platform to book your appointment.
On the day of your appointment for your vaccination, please only arrive within 10 minutes of your scheduled time. This will help to avoid long line-ups and waiting time.
Couples and caregivers
An accompanying person may get vaccinated on the same day as the person in the priority group if they meet the following criteria:
Remember to register your accompanying person after you make your appointment. We assure you that, regardless of the time selected for your accompanying person’s appointment, they will be able to get vaccinated at the same time as you.
Health Care Card
Your RAMQ health care card is recommended when booking your appointment. If you do not have one, you may use an alternative identification that indicates your date of birth, address, etc. Vaccination is free for everyone.
Vaccination Sites
If you are a senior who requires transportation, or you know of a senior who is need of transportation, please contact our office. We will do our best to assist you.
Newsletter from the MNA for Westmount-Saint-Louis
If you would like to receive updates on the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, subscribe to the newsletter of the Member of National Assembly for Westmount-Saint-Louis, Jennifer Maccarone, by clicking on this link:
You can also contact us at or by calling our office at 514 395-2929.
Cordialement / Sincerely,
Bureau de la députée de Westmount–Saint-Louis Riding Office
Jennifer Maccarone, députée / Member of the National Assembly
1134, Sainte-Catherine Ouest | 8th floor, office 801
Montreal (Québec) H3B 1H4
Tel. : 514 395-2929 |