August 24th, 2021
![]() Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities (SHICC) and the Center for CLT Innovation are partnering to present the International Community Land Trust Festival, running from September to December 2021. The Festival will consist of a series of free online events, some live and some prerecorded, and will include the first World CLT Day on October 29th. Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish and French will be provided for many of the Festival’s September events — and for all of the Center for CLT Innovation’s events. In this Edition: Announcing CLT Festival Webinar Presenters! |
Announcing Presenters for September Webinars Sponsored by the CLT Center The International CLT Festival will have events sponsored by the CLT Center, by SHICC, and by various partners from around the world. In September, most events will be organized and presented by the Center and SHICC. A full calendar of those events will soon be available. In the the meantime, however, the Center has finalized its own September line-up. Registration is now open for these three events. September 13th: Combining CLTs and Other Models of Collective Ownership: In North America and much of Europe, private ownership is the dominant model. This event will rather focus on collective ownership models for land and housing, including housing cooperatives (zero-equity and limited-equity) and inclusive cohousing, that are being creatively combined with CLTs in the USA, the UK, and Europe. Moderator: Michael LaFond, Stadtbodenstiftung (Germany)PresentersSandy Bishop, Lopez Community Land Trust (US)Dimitri Roussopoulos, Milton Park Co-op Community Land Trust (Canada)Darinka Czischke, Delft Institute of Technology (The Netherlands) REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE September 14th: Impactful Development and Community Empowerment: How do CLTs strike a balance between community empowerment and “going to scale”? Is impact measured solely by the number of housing units produced? Should the production of units take priority over community organizing and community-based planning processes? Are CLTs relevant only if they are able to produce housing units at significant scale? This discussion will draw upon the recent publication by Terra Nostra Press, Impactful Development and Community Development. Moderator: Line Algoed, Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research (Belgium)Presenters Tony Pickett, Grounded Solutions Network (USA)Stephen Hill, C2O futureplanners, (UK)Maria E. Hernandez-Torrales, Caño Martín Peña Community Land Trust, (Puerto Rico)Panelist (TBD), describing features and projects of the French version of the CLT: Organismes de Foncier Solidaire (France) REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE September 27th: Building the Beloved Community: This panel discussion will focus on moving toward greater racial and ethnic equity in the international CLT movement, highlighting the efforts of CLTs to make themselves more inclusive and exploring inspiring examples of CLTs working to create and support beloved communities around the world. Topics will include: (a) organizing young people to ensure the future of the CLT movement; (b) protecting low-income neighborhoods and informal settlements facing the threat of displacement; (c) welcoming immigrants and refugees into our communities; and (d) promoting racial and ethnic diversity in the staffing and governance of community land trusts. Moderator: Theresa Williamson, Catalytic Communities (Brazil)Opening Remarks: Rev. John Whitfield (US)PresentersRazia Khanom, London Community Land Trust (UK)Jason Webb, Grounded Solutions Network (USA)Mariolga Julia Pacheco, Caño Martín Peña Community Land Trust, (Puerto Rico)Geert De Pauw, Brussels Community Land Trust (Belgium) REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE |